I am pleased to announce the newly appointed Disability Worker Registration Board of Victoria, who will continue the important work of setting registration standards and registering Victorian disability workers.
I am delighted to be reappointed as Chair of the Board. I am joined by past Board members, Christian Astourian, Maryanne Diamond and Geoffrey Southwell. Newly appointed Board members are Martin Checketts, Elizabeth March, Keith McVilly, Kelly Schulz, Jessica Sullivan and Patrick Wilsmore. This Board brings expertise from across the disability sector, including disability workers, those with lived experience of disability, service providers and research.
Congratulations to all Board members, I am looking forward to working together to further increase the safety and quality of the Victorian disability sector.
I also take this opportunity to give my sincere thanks to outgoing members on their contribution to the Scheme - Christine Bigby, Gobi Chandran, Colleen Furlanetto, Alex Gunning and Jill Linklater.
To read more about the Board please click here.
Melanie Eagle
Disability Worker Registration Board of Victoria