Register as a disability worker to support a stronger, safer disability workforce
The Victorian Disability Worker Commission has launched a campaign encouraging disability workers to register to show people with disability they have the right skills to deliver quality services.
Cases of abuse and neglect in the sector currently being heard at the Royal Commission demonstrate how vital it is for people with disability to be confident that their worker is safe, skilled and professional.
Victoria is leading the way in delivering better safeguards for the sector and is the only state in Australia that has a registration scheme in place for workers, introduced in July last year.
Disability workers that are registered have been deemed suitable by the independent Disability Worker Registration Board of Victoria. The assessment provides additional checks to the NDIS worker screen criminal history check, by assessing a worker’s skills and experience and commitment to undertaking continuing professional development.
Melanie Eagle, Chair of the Disability Worker Registration Board of Victoria, said that disability workers do crucial work with some of the most vulnerable people in the community. Registration acknowledges this and recognises workers for the important work they do.
“We know that disability workers are passionate and proud of their work. There is a huge amount of trust involved between a worker and a person with disability, so knowing upfront that a worker is appropriately assessed provides great confidence.
“Everyday disability workers deliver diverse services to people with disability, ranging from high-level 24-hour personal care to ad hoc support as required.
“Workers that register are not only providing confidence to those with disability, their families and carers, but are showing they want to be part of change in the sector to ensure the right people are working with our loved ones,” Ms Eagle said.
Employers who choose registered disability workers also have the benefit of saving time, money and paperwork as checks are done by the Victorian Disability Worker Commission.
Disability workers can go online to find out more and to register at Registration is currently free and a worker’s skills, experience and track record are all taken into account. Applications are now open for the second year of registration which runs from 1 October to 30 September. Enquiries can also be made by calling 1800 497 132 between 9.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Media Contact: Kirsten Howe 0436 310 415 |