Are you a person with disability, a disability worker, carer or service provider? The Victorian Disability Worker Commission (VDWC) is seeking your feedback on a range of topics including registration of disability workers, complaints and notifications under the Victorian Disability Worker Regulation Scheme.
We are seeking your participation in a survey. The survey will take around 15 minutes and to thank you for your time, you can enter to win 1 of 10 $100 eGiftpay vouchers.
The responses will help the Commission to identify the information and resources needed when engaging with and registering under the Scheme.
The survey is being run by an independent company ORIMA Research. No personal information will be provided to the Commission.
Click here to start the VDWC survey.
Click here to start the Easy Read version survey.
If you have difficulties with the online survey, or need to complete the survey in another way, please email or call ORIMA on 1800 883 345. Tell them it is about the VDWC survey.
If you want more information about the survey, please contact the VDWC by emailing
The survey closes Tuesday 23rd April 2024.